Hi, my name is Paula O’Hanlon and I am a Yoga teacher, Pet Lover and Sea swimming enthusiast.
I have been practising Yoga since my early 20's. I started by attending regular yoga classes and as many workshops as I could fit in around my working life. In my spare time I would read yoga books, yoga magazines and practice in a very small rented room in Dublin.
After a few years, I came across a Yoga Training course and decided to apply for it. In 2000, I received my Hatha Yoga Qualification and from there I went on to teach Yoga part-time while still working full time.
Alongside the teaching I continued to study and learn more about Yoga. I’m grateful to my teacher Hanne Gillespie, of whom I was a 1:1 student for over ten years. In these years, I went on to complete a number of courses with Viniyoga Britain. It was during these courses that I realised not only had my knowledge deepened but so too had my love of Yoga. I decided to pursue Viniyoga further.
I went on to study with Dave Charlton and Ranju Roy who provide Yoga Teacher training courses in the UK (Sádhana Málá) and in 2009 I achieved my qualification in Viniyoga to teach classes and one to one therapy for specific needs.
Currently I teach Yoga in the Community Centre, Rathangan, Co. Kildare and I also teach in TheYurt in Kilmead. I run regular Yoga workshops, and I also see people individually for Yoga therapy.
I’m now studying the Sanskrit language (a language through which a lot of the ancient Yoga texts are written) with the Oxford Centre for Hindu Studies. Studying this beautiful language will only enrich and deepen my Yoga practice and my teaching on and off the mat :)
If you’re interested in taking one of my Yoga classes please contact me on 087 9889103